Project Bus Stop: A Design Challenge for Philadelphia

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Wednesday October 11

5:30 PM  –  8:00 PM


Join Temple University Architecture Professors Ulysses Sean Vance, Jeffrey Nesbit, and Ryan Thomas Devlin, and Director of Access and Disability Services at Haverford College, Keely Milbourne, as they reveal and discuss design submissions to Project Bus Stop, a public challenge to Philadelphia’s design community to consider the significance of public transportation infrastructure in the city. Prompted by the recent closure and relocation of the Greyhound Bus Terminal, Project Bus Stop solicits ideas from students, faculty, designers, and regional firms on how to create a new urban ecology for bus transportation in Philly’s downtown area. Submissions from the competition will be on display throughout the evening, and guests will have the opportunity to explore the museum’s galleries, including our latest exhibition, Project Liberty: A Design Challenge, which applies design thinking to resolving everyday challenges. Cash bar and refreshments available.


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